Microsoft code was stolen by hackers at Nvidia Leave a comment

The hacking group has been targeting some of the biggest players within the technology industry.

Are there any celebrity hackers? It seems like there might be one on the rise, but I haven't heard of any yet. A few weeks ago, Nvidia was hacked, with internal company documents and even encryption keys being leaked. Now the same team has claimed that it has infiltrated Microsoft, making away 37 gigabytes of proprietary software code. A torrent file containing some Microsoft projects has been released.

The “Lapso$” hackers claim that the stolen data includes a significant portion of the code for Bing, Microsoft's search engine, and Cortana — its digital voice assistant. According to Bleeping Computer, the portion of stolen data that has been made public appears legitimate.

The same team that cracked into Nvidia and Microsoft has been busy for the past few months, with confirmed hacks at Samsung, Ubisoft, Vodafone, and others. The team uses the secure messaging app Telegram to promote itself and gather thousands of followers. It's not known exactly what its methods of attack are, but it has been reported to offer public bribes to employees of major technology companies for access to their company's networks. Researchers are concerned that the new and relatively unsophisticated hacking group is growing in sophistication and effectiveness.

Microsoft’s biggest cash cows, like Windows, Office, and Xbox, don’t seem to be included in the leak.

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